It gives a brief history of the Order, taken from the directory Papal States.
The Pontifical Yearbook describing the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Sylvester reads as follows: Section by militias Aurata with this title October 31, 1841 by Gregory XVI; reformed by St. Pius X February 7, 1905. Indeed, with the additional title of Pope St. Sylvester I, the Order of the Golden Spur or militias Aurata had found, under Pope Gregory XVI, his former glory. With the reform of the Pontifical Equestrian Order took place under Pope Saint Pius X in the Bull Multum excitandos to 7 February 1905, came suddenly from the Order of the Golden Spur or militias aurata, a new papal order of chivalry, the San Pope Sylvester I present, after the reform initiated by Pope John Paul II on 2 June 1993, the Order is divided into the following classes: Knight Grand Cross – Commander with Badge – Commander – Cavalier – Dame Grand Cross – Dama Commando with Badge – Dama.

Equestrian Order of St. Sylvester, however, has retained the insignia of the Order of the Spur’s 1841 gold or militias Aurata, while still in the Brief of 1905, the Order of the Golden Spur radically changed their signs, taking a bifurcated or octagonal cross of yellow, with red ribbon edged with white. The decoration of the Order, therefore, is primitive and sylvan prestigious Militia Aurata and consists of a bifurcated or octagonal cross in white enamel and set aside four golden rays, charged in the heart by a circular enamel badge in blue showing the holy image of the Supreme Pontiff St. Sylvester I, in gold, with the words “Sanctus Silvester PM. The reverse of the cross, again on a championship round place in my heart is the legend “MDCCCXLI – MDCCCCV,” referring to the Militia Aurata and the reform of 1905. The ribbon of the Order is in black instead of red with three poles, two on each side and one at the center: From the tape also noted that originally the Order of the Golden Spur or militias aurata was red, but then for no confused with the French chivalric Order of the Legion of Honor, were placed on red tape, two poles in black.

Like other pontifical equestrian order, the Order has a uniform forest. The uniform is black cloth with long neck flap, cuffs and pockets in black silk, with rich gold embroidery. Even the pants are black cloth with gold band, richly adorned with laurel leaves. The headgear black sweatshirt, is completed with the plumage white. The uniform is completed with the sword and other accessories. The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Sylvester is awarded to the laity is particularly deserving of the Catholic Church and works.

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